E Guard Environmental Services

Food and Agriculture Projects

Sr.No Name of Project Client Location Year
1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Establishment of Cane Sugar Factory with an ethanol/alcohol Plant at Myanmar. Kamadhenu Ventures Myanmar Co., Ltd. - -
2 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Brewery Factory at Bago Region, Myanmar. Diamond Mayson Industries Co., Ltd. Bago Region -
3 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Beverage Factory at Yangon, Myanmar. Kaung Htet (Myanmar) Manufacturing & Distribution Co., Ltd. Yangon District -
4 Information Gathering for Agriculture and Irrigation related activities in Myanmar Japanese International Drainage and Irrigation (JIID) - -
5 Environmental, H&S and Social Due Diligent Service on Flour and Coffee Factory in Yangon and Mandalay, Myanmar. ERM Japan Ltd. Yangon and Mandalay -
6 Information Gathering for Agriculture and Irrigation related activities in Myanmar Japanese Institute of Irrigation and Drainage (JIID) - -
7 Duediligence at Nay Pyi Taw Agri Factory ERM Japan Ltd. - -
8 Impact of Agriculture Infrastructure and adaptation measures JIID - -
9 Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Fertilizer project, No. (00-22), 68 Street, Kanaung Minthargyi Road (South), Pyigyi Dagon Township, Industrial Zone II, Mandalay Region. Toe Pwar Mandalay Co., Ltd Mandalay Region 2016
10 Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) at Plot 306,307,308 Myaung Dagar Industrial Zone, Mhawbi Township, Yangon Region for Animal food Project De Heus Myanmar Ltd Yangon District 2016


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